Read issue #1 of Daily Digest, by Mailbrew Team.
Saturday July, 2024
Shortcut to Toggle 5G on and off

Can anyhow help me out on how to toggle this on and off without going through the long process. 5G heats up my phone and I mostly don’t use it except on some rare occasions.

Thanks in advance

do NOT press the blank type. it will crash the app (18.0 dev beta 4)

do NOT press the blank type. it will crash the app (18.0 dev beta 4)

Whenever i receive a message from my partner, my apple watch vibrates with the amount of words they send

is this possible? for example if they said two words it would vibrate twice. if not would it be possible to vibrate from every message from them, since atm the watch only vibrates once and not for every message

Is there a shortcut that I could use to automatically rotate the IPad when connected to the Magic Keyboard?

I have found myself using my M4 13” and my Magic Keyboard quite frequently, but after going from portrait mode whilst I am holding the device and then hooking it up to the Magic Keyboard, I have to do a bit of a faff as the device is still in …

Time Calculations

I'm trying to run a script that takes (sunset time - 30 minutes). Unfortunately I find scripts with time calculations to be very difficult due to the formatting. l've managed to pull the sunset time at my current location from the weather app, and format it to HH:MM but can't …

Automatically snooze (but not stop) alarms when connected to CarPlay

I would like to snooze any alarms that happen to go off when I’m connected to Apple CarPlay before they play.

For some reason alarms (such as my medication alarm) are deafening in CarPlay, and they play from both my phone and the car speakers. It always scares the crap …

Coordinates to address

Having a hell of a time. Trying to take coordinates either as input or in clipboard and convert them to a street address. Have toolbox pro, and Actions.

Input is similar to.. 30.743784,-33.853279

Struggling to split input text, store as variable, then use variable to convert to address. Splitting seems …

Shortcut to plan a week with ChatGpt

I'm very new to shortcuts and don't really know how to build one, but I had this crazy idea and thought that Reddit might have an answer for me.

So I would like to create a shortcut that plans my week using ChatGPT. (again, I'm not sure if this would …

Alarm shortcut error

Hey guys! So, for the past versions of iOS I’ve been using this shortcut in order to create a bunch of alarms in a few taps. Problem now, is that it won’t work anymore, and since I’m not an expert on shortcuts, it’s seems I can’t find a way to …

The math doesn’t work well

I want to create a damage calculator for a game that has a complex formula for the damage, but for some reason the math is not working right. If I put 2 in attacker attack, 10 in attacker health and 10 in attacker maxHealth, it says the attackForce is 1. …

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