Read issue #1 of Daily Digest, by Mailbrew Team.
Saturday July, 2024
Where is everyone hosting their apps these days?

I'm familiar with Firebase hosting, but I want to move to something for other projects that can scale out.

My other projects are in different languages and I run them in containers, so an obvious candidate is on an AWS EC2 instance, but that might get costly later.

I'm currently …

Current opinion on Prisma?

I am currently using Drizzle, and I am running into issues where Drizzle just wouldn't insert the correct boolean value into my Postgres database. Like I made sure that the value being inserted is correct before I add it to my insert statement, but the ORM is still inserting it …

What do i need to be a good back-end freelancer?

i've been focusing on the technologies, studied to a good extent: js, express, mongo, ts, sql, nest what do i do next? i see people talking about scaling, system design and optimization i got no clue what that is, can anyone help with sources or books names?

What happens when a major npm library goes commercial?

What happens when a major npm library goes commercial?

Edit text layer in PSD file using node.js

I have a simple psd file that consists of a background and several text layers and these layers have a stroke effect. I need to be able to edit those text layers' contebt then export the psd to png or jpg. I searched and found a lib called psd.js but …

Sequin - a feature-rich, open-source message stream built on Postgres. Like Kafka, but with a simple JS SDK that works and none of the hassle.

Sequin - a feature-rich, open-source message stream built on Postgres. Like Kafka, but with a simple JS SDK that works and none of the hassle.

How do you document everything about an API?

I have an API that returns a big object, some values are computed and some values are not computed, how do I document this in a way it's obvious which one is computed or not without modifying the name of the keys? Must be like 1,000 business logic rules the …

Test for notify if has any changes in response from my external api

I have a BFF that need to fetch an external api for create some datas, how can I write a test that can verify if the external api in that method, haven't changed?

For example, if I get /users, I would expect ['name', 'age'] as props from result, but if …

Debugging Memoery Leak

I am working on NodeJS application which is running forked processes on windows machine, some of the child processes are taking up memory slowly and it after some times it reaches upto 700 MB from 70 MB (I am monitoring it from windows task manager), I tried running with 2 …

node js + telegram bot + vercel

Hi everybody, little help required...

I built a node js project interacting with my telegram bot and deployed it on vercel.

On localhost everything was working like a charm, but after deployment the telegram bot not working(not giving any response)

If anybody faced the same issue, kindly share your approach …

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