Read issue #1 of Daily Digest, by Mailbrew Team.
Saturday July, 2024
What type of applications/systems Go is bad for?

I just want to say that I love Go. I have used it for 8 years, and I love it as a language. I hopefully can end my career as a Go dev, I love it so much. I however have taken on a lot of projects where I feel …

What are you using to track user sessions?

I’ve an app that is protected behind a login system. After a user logs in successfully, I track the session using session cookies.

After debating JWT and Cookies, I ended up choosing cookies. It seems much simpler (even though there are very good JWT libraries for Go). Is anyone prefers …

I made a YT Music scraper package in Go

Here's the repo.

I made a YT Music scraper package in Go, it's still a work in progress and 4 out of 5 major parsers are completed, just some optimizations and another parser is left.

You can checkout the go docs here

I made this scraper so that I …

Self Healing with Go and Systemd

Self Healing with Go and Systemd

Cyclic imports on go

I have a structure like this

├── mod1/
│   └── file1.go
├── mod2/
│   └── file2.go
├── mod3/
│   └── file3.go
└── mod4/
    └── file4.go

in file1.go, I have an import of mod2, to use some structs from file2(default values)
then in file2, I have to use mod1, to …

Sub packages with identical name? /user/model/, auth/model/ etc. Is challenging

Hey everyone,

I'm seeking some advice and opinions. I'm working on a fairly large application where files are broken down by domain, each with its own model folder. I'm struggling with package naming.

For instance, my user sub-package internal/user/model is named model, and so is my auth sub-package internal/auth/model …

An open-source email delivery service for developers. Developed in Go.

An open-source email delivery service for developers. Developed in Go.

Zeed, a CLI tool to prevent changelog-related merge conflicts

Hello everyone 👋,

After frequently encountering merge conflicts while managing a changelog with my team in a Git repository, I created Zeed [1]. This is a problem that the GitLab teams have also faced [2].

If this sounds familiar, or if you're by any chance 😅 looking for a solution …

How to test function which calls `os/exec.Command` elegantly

I have a function which use os/exec.Command to execute linux command, and then parse the result. simple example like this ```golang package main

import ( "fmt" "log" "os/exec" )

func main() { out, err := getUser() if err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } log.Println(out) }

// getUser will get current …

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