Read issue #1 of Daily Digest, by Mailbrew Team.
Saturday July, 2024
ELI5: Why is it so impossible to get accepted into medical school when there is such an insane shortage of family doctors?

For context, I live in Canada. This may be a question specific to Canada/US.

Getting accepted into medical school in Canada with “just” a bachelors degree and a decent MCAT score is near impossible. I know many people who have pursued graduate training (e.g., MSc epidemiology, MPH, MHA) in hopes …

ELI5: What is wax? (Asked by an actual 4 year old)

We were talking about ear wax, and he asked “what is wax?” I gave him examples like candles and beeswax, but he hasn’t really observed enough of those things for the examples to help.

ELI5 - Why does a fridge “lock” for a few seconds after closing it

I’ve tried looking this up and I get that it is related to the change in temperature leading to pressure but how does the fridge get “locked” just because of this change in temperature and pressure? And, why is this lock only temporary?

ELI5: Why higher education is so expensive in the US?

I have people at work telling me it’s because the elite don’t want an educated population. Or that there’s simply a lot of money to be made by the Colleges administration to pay themselves high wages. I come from a country that has a three year degree system, which is …

ELI5: Do dogs now their name as their identity or do they treat it like “come” and just know to respond when someone makes that noise?

Do dogs now their name as their identity or do they treat it like “come” and just know to respond when someone makes that noise?

ELI5 - When scientists say they are working to cure cancer, what does that actually mean?

Additionally, with all the resources and attention on curing cancer, why is it taking so long?

ELI5 : Why are telecom operators seemingly incapable of stopping spam/phishing calls?

I'm in the UK. Just got a call on my mobile, with a recorded message saying that His Majesty's Revenue and Customs had opened a criminal investigation into me. If I wanted to ask for leniency, I just had to press 1.

Of course, I hung up. But can someone …

ELI5: What is that white gunk that builds up on your tongue? Should I be scraping it off? What's its purpose?

I tend to always scrape off as much as I can with a separate toothbrush in the morning when I wake up and before bed prior to brushing my teeth but it always comes back.

ELI5: What is a tax write-off?

I watched a YouTube video about a guy who accidently used his business card to buy food at a restaurant, so he apparently had to make a video about the food and then post it (BenEscherick). I already took two economics classes and I feel pretty stupid about still not …

ELI5 When you guys say that a post was created by a bot or commented on by one, what exactly does that mean, and how does that work?

ELI5 When you guys say that a post was created by a bot or commented on by one, what exactly does that mean, and how does that work?

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