Read issue #1 of Daily Digest, by Mailbrew Team.
Saturday July, 2024
Software Engineer looking to transition into DevOps/SRE, but I don't want to quit coding.

I'm a fullstack developer who got an offer for a DevOps/SRE role, employer is fine with training me despite my lack of experience with these roles, but I love coding, and I'm curious whether or not I'll still code in this job beyond Bash/Python scripts?

How much coding do DevOps/SRE …

Step Functions vs SSM runbooks

What’s the difference between them?! Both are workflows ?!

Most important part of the SDLC?

Ok so this piece:, makes the case that testing/mocking is the most important part of the SDLC. I've also heard people making the case for the design phase being the most critical part.

I'd love to get y'all thoughts. Is it testing? Is it design? Something else entirely? …

New grad places in devops team

Hey all,

I just graduated and accepted a swe role at a relatively big fintech company. I requested being placed on a full stack team, but I was placed on a devops team.

I'm really open minded about what type of work I do, so I'm excited to begin working, …

A Comparative Overview of Jsonnet and KCL

Hello everyone, in order to help understand KCL and its positioning, we are updating a series of introductory articles from a comparative perspective. Welcome to read and provide feedback. ❤️

Learning Terraform without cloud or using local resources

I am DevOps engineer, very curious about learning terraform and IaC in depth. I have already used all free trials. Are there any way to learn terraform end to end with local resources (Things which can be run in my localcomputer). Appreciate your attention. Thank you !

What are the different ways to save env variables on ec2 instance?


I have one project in which client has given access to aws. I checked the dockerfile and found below variables. I am not able to figure out from where the values are coming for this variables. I checked the Parameter Store and found nothing there. I need to access …

Docker and kubernetes

Certainly! Here's a polite way to ask your question:


I have 5 years of experience in IT operations, particularly in system administration. I'm now interested in transitioning my career to focus on Docker and Kubernetes. Is it feasible to jump directly into learning Docker and Kubernetes from scratch and …

Terraform, google cloud function, and application default credentials

Hey all, I'm trying to parse the google and terraform docs on how to use ADC and not lean on use of json keys for ensuring my cloud function's python code can authenticate and use the google bigquery API.

What does the terraform really need to look like to set …

Making unfashionable choices - Why Thinkst Canary Runs Isolated VMs instead of Multi-Tenanted SaaS

H/T to r/netsec & u/thinkst -

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