Read issue #1 of Daily Digest, by Mailbrew Team.
Saturday July, 2024
Alice Munro's biography excluded husband's abuse of her daughter. How did that happen?

Alice Munro's biography excluded husband's abuse of her daughter. How did that happen?

Kamala Harris Book Sales Soaring in Wake of Democratic Presidential Nomination

Kamala Harris Book Sales Soaring in Wake of Democratic Presidential Nomination

I just wanted to share the most beautiful letter ever, in Persuasion by Jane Austen. Just finished reading it! What a great book.

I can listen no longer in silence. I must speak to you by such means as are within my reach. You pierce my soul. I am half agony, half hope. Tell me not that I am too late, that such precious feelings are gone for ever. I offer myself to …

Did Frieda McFadden’s “The Teacher” plagiarize from Kate Elizabeth Russell’s “My Dark Vanessa?”

I think Frieda McFadden plagiarized “My Dark Vanessa” in “The Teacher”

The Teacher came out 4 years after My Dark Vanessa was published, and the similarities are too much to overlook in my opinion. In The Teacher, Addie is a lonely girl who has fallen out with a friend the …

Why isn't the Pendergast series more popular?

The books have been around since 1995 but I haven't heard of them until recently. My local library only has a few of the newer books and my local Barnes and Noble only has the first two books. The first book in the series didn't get a movie until ~~2020~~ …

Just Finished Lonesome Dove for the First Time

Yep, it's another poster talking about Lonesome Dove!
I just finished reading Lonesome Dove for the first time. I picked it up partially because of this sub's recommendation, and... wow. Genuinely one of the best books I've read recently, if not ever. It got off to a bit of a …

Jay Kristoff's "Empire of the Vampire" is good.

I decided to read something about vampires, but not a horror or twilight. And so this book came into my hands.

In the world of the book, the sky was covered with a dark "dome", which is why vampires could now walk during the day, even if they were not …

Blind Owl by Sadeq Hedayat

Almost done with Compass by Mathias énard and he mentions quite a few books and writers, some of which I know already and are about to know soon, and one of them is The Blind Owl and his description of that book caught my attention more than the others so …

Weekly Recommendation Thread: July 26, 2024

Welcome to our weekly recommendation thread! A few years ago now the mod team decided to condense the many "suggest some books" threads into one big mega-thread, in order to consolidate the subreddit and diversify the front page a little. Since then, we have removed suggestion threads and directed their …

I just finished my first James Patterson and J. D. Barker novel, Confessions of the Dead (no prior experience with thriller/horror novels nor do I know much about each author). I can’t find a discussion thread anywhere for this book and was wondering if anyone wanted to discuss it with me? 😅

I originally got this book because I’m a big Castle (TV show) and Alan Wake II (video game) fan.

I don’t usually read within the thriller/horror genre, but since I realized I was a fan of both of the above works, I decided to give it a try with a …

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